Is your company

open-minded? asked 2,500 professionals if their company was open-minded. Surprisingly, results show that younger employees think their company is indeed open-minded while their older colleagues do not necessarily agree. When looking at rankings by industry, media and technology firms perform better than most other companies.

Open-mindedness by industry

Rank Sector % of employees who say their company is open-minded
1 Media 75%
2 Apps & Web 71%
3 Consulting & Professional Services 67%
4 Technology & Telecoms 65%
5 Consumer Goods 62%
6 Public sector & Education 54%
7 Financial Services 54%
8 Services, Tourism, Restaurants 54%
9 Pharmaceuticals 49%
10 Transportation & Logistics 49%
11 Energy, Mining, Chemicals 49%
12 Insurance 48%
13 Retail 46%
14 Manufacturing 46%
15 Charity & Not For Profit 46%
16 Construction & Real Estate 46%
17 Healthcare 43%
18 Law Practice 42%

Unshakeable technology firms : Despite the recent debates stirred by Uber's alleged sexism1 and Google's  supposed witch-hunt against conservatives2, technology companies still outperform other industries, as they rank 1st (media firms), 2nd (apps & web firms) and 4th (technology & telecoms) in our study. For most of their employees, these firms remain a model of open-mindedness.

Ye Olde Law firm : Only 42% of law firm employees think their company is open-minded, which is a much lower score than banks or consulting firms. Law practices appear to be a strong bastion of traditional workplace values with strict culture and etiquette3.

  Is your company open-minded?
By experience

Years of experience % of employees who think their company is open-minded
Less than 5 62%
5-10 56%
10-15 53%
15+ 49%

Happy youngsters, frustrated managers: Young employees are happy with their company's open-mindedness (62% of them are). Satisfaction slowly diminishes with experience though: only 49% of senior employees think their company is open-minded. As they climb up the management ladder, more experienced employees feel pressure to behave and think in line with corporate expectations, stifling their own opinions in order to tread the company line.

Most open-minded companies in the City

Rank Company % of employees who think their company is open-minded
1 Goldman Sachs 90%
2 Blackrock 89%
3 PwC 88%
4 EY 86%
5 Accenture 80%

Tolerance or cultural fit? Overwhelming results at some companies (90% of Goldman Sachs employees responded positively) may be due to a strong cultural match amongst its employees, also in line with its corporate culture: with colleagues and management sharing your opinions and codes, employees are less likely to feel pressure to conform.

Alice Leguay, Co-Founder & CMO at said: 'As corporates strive to connect with millennials and retain them, it is crucial for employees to feel they are part of a company which can remain current. Perception is everything, hence ideas such as 'Talks at GS' which aim to show that large businesses from traditional industries such as banking are able to keep shaping the world as thought leaders. Other ways to show open-mindedness is allowing flexible working patterns, sabbaticals, unlimited vacation, and of course insisting on continuous training and skills development, a particularly compelling proof that companies take new ideas seriously.'



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