Top 10 Twitterers on Worldwide Finance & Economy

To help provide a guiding light in the Twitter jungle, we have listed Emolument's favourite Twitter accounts on worldwide Finance & Economy:

  1. zerohedge  @zerohedge "Mission: to skeptically examine and, where necessary, attack the flaccid institution that financial journalism has become"
  2. FT Alphaville team @ftalpha "Instant market news and views from FT Alphaville's team of writers"
  3. J. Bradford DeLong @delong "Primate, economist, utopian"
  4. Nick Malkoutzis @NickMalkoutzis "Deputy editor of Greece's daily English language newspaper, Kathimerini English Edition"
  5. Paul Kedrosky @pkedrosky "Investor, humanist, hater of fluorescent lights, etc."
  6. James Mackintosh @jmackin2 "Investment Editor at the Financial Times. Daily Short View column and presents a daily video on markets."
  7. Louise Armitstead @larmitstead "Business, finance and politics news reporter for the Daily Telegraph"
  8. Aswath Damodaran @AswathDamodaran "Fascinated by finance & markets"
  9. Justin Wolfers @JustinWolfers "Economist by day. Dad by night. Runner when I get the time."
  10. Mark Dow @mark_dow "Hedge fund manager, economist, Washington refugee, political junkie, anti-partisan, amateur linguist, bonobo wannabe"

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